Over the past few years Pigeon House Equestrian has constantly been asked to help with various issues that we have all faced in the equestrian world: naughty horses, poor doers, rehabilitation from an injury, sourcing the right vet, finding a good physiotherapist, reliable farrier or horse dentist. All these issues can be a complete nightmare, so we have decided to offer all our knowledge and know-how to others.
First Horse Or Pony
Considering buying your first horse or a pony for your son or daughter but don’t a clue where to start, what kind of horse or pony would be suitable, what to look when searching or viewing a horse or pony, what care it will need, etc?
Pigeon House Equestrian can help you with all of this from finding a suitable horse or pony to providing advise and assistance in caring for it, feeding it, tacking it up and loading or attending your first show or Pony Club event. We have the knowledge and experience to get you there.
A Nightmare Horse Purchase
Just bought what you thought was your ideal horse after you tried it out a couple of times and even hacked it up the road in busy traffic. It passed the 5 stage vetting and then it arrives home and you discover it’s not the horse you thought you bought. Unbeknown to you the horse you’ve purchased had been ridden twice a day for 6 days as well has been on the horse walker for a good 20 minutes before you tried it. No wonder it was good when you rode it in the seller’s school! People at your yard think you’ve purchased a ‘nutter’ but you still want to keep it but have no idea where to start or what to do?
Pigeon House Equestrain can help with the rebalancing of your horse to become more inline with your ability, confidence, lifestyle and career. From riding and retraining by qualified instructors to being in a calming environment, feeding advice and offering perfect hacking facilities we are here to help. Whether we come to you or you come to us, we can get your horse back to what you thought you purchased.